5 Ways to Understand Marketing Like a Professional

 First of All, we need to exactly know:


As per Google and Oxford Dictionary, the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

Means that it is a technique, strategy, or actions to let people know about your brands, and what you offer, and gradually getting their attention, and making a purchase.

The world of marketing can feel confusing, (Instagram algorithms, SEO Keywords, Branding and Identity, etc.)  but that’s mainly because we’re trying to understand it without having a technical background. (we will explain all elements in Future posts)

When you keep your focus on the end user, it becomes much easier to see why businesses are spending their time, money, and resources on marketing. As a marketer, you’re tasked with bringing your brand to life, so you need to understand how it does that and what you can do to improve it. This article will give you the tips you need to understand marketing like a pro, no matter what type of business you’re in:

1-      First and foremost: 


    Understand your product or service you are offering:

It is not that complicated as a first task, but it is an important part of the equation here, when you start off by understanding what does your business offer to the marketplace, you immediately terminate a good portion of potential advertising loss that are (wrong audience, wrong age group, wrong demographics etc.) which what we usually call Segmentation.

This step usually is automatically decided, but it is always better to revise the decision of your market segmentation,  for example, you cannot advertise Ladies Salon to men, or a barber shop to women, BUT you can advertise it works when its mother’s day, or Father’s day and your messages is Gift Her/him a treatment worth of X amount.

So you need to understand your product/service and your business properly, do a quick competitor analysis, and see for yourself, to whom it is best sold (Gender, Age)? where is it best sold (location, Neighborhood, City)? Is my pricing good to my targeted audience (are people in this place are able to afford it)? Does my product solve a problem or Give Value to people? And so on…


  Understand the market you want to be in. (Market analysis)

This is a kind of complicated aspect of Marketing, mainly because it is little bit hard to work on, But, you can..

Understanding the market (Or analyzing the market) is important because it will benefit you from other businesses’ experience with the same Niche, or business in General.

Here you have the most effective way, where you simply walk in to business similar to yours and just have a conversation with the manager, or owners, and you can discuss the business better, who are their top buyers? Where are they located? What are the differences between their product/service and yours.

This will give you a better insight of how to operate more efficiently within that market, and know better how to use marketing, Digital marketing, E-mail marketing, or whichever fits best after seeing your marketing analysis. 

The other way is to pay research companies and they will do the work for you, now we do not recommend this because it is best if you do it yourself, and get the understanding you hoped for.

(you can hire market researchers on Fiverr



Imagine this, the money you have in your pocket is worthless, you have lots of it, but you cannot buy anything with it, Frustrating huh?

This is exactly when you give people content that doesn’t have value that they can use, or benefit from, and you consume their time, or money that way.

The top valid given values are Emotional, and Financial, they are the easiest triggers for people to make a purchase, or take an action, which we will give example of each.

Emotional value is mostly used by affiliate marketers to sell and advertise trading apps, stock market apps, make money online gurus, and get reach quick schemes, where they display nice looking girls, luxurious and expensive cars, big villas, and travelling, and they tell you how they make thousands of dollars on daily basis. They simply trigger your emotions to wanting to get a life like them, and purchase this app or deposit money to trade and and and…


Most of retailers give you discounts, and Buy 1 get 1 free, and this is a financial value, where you get this item for half the original price, or 2 items for the price of one.

I am sure you have seen Youtubers asking for (like, Comment, Subscribe) to their Channel because they have given you information that took them lots of research, and they paid for it, but they just want in return your interaction. 

The point is, you must think of a value you have to give to your audience, either really valuable information, discounted prices, BOGO offers, Free consultation, Advices, so on and on.


 Do not be worried about Mistakes, and Doing Changes.

This is a common mistake that many small and medium companies fall into, worrying about the changing a name, logo, campaigns, platform etc.

No marketing is bad marketing, and change is good, as well as making mistakes  

As the clock is ticking, the time is changing, and so is marketing, years ago, Flyers and door hangers were top strategies to attract new customers and potential clients, where is now its almost disappearing gradually, it was replaced by push notification, Email blasts, or SMS Campaigns.

But, based on recent test we have done, we used to send 10,000 SMS campaign and used to get somewhere up to 3% response, but recently, we have used the same targeted audience, and sent almost the same message, and not too surprisingly, we got 1 reply only, means is 0.01%.

We ran the same message, on social media, and we targeted the same people, we get 3-5 new leads on daily basis, and many of them are not info the Finance department, but they need some auditing service.

Long story short, Do not hesitate to try new things, change your techniques, research the market, find out new marketing methods, try them, make mistakes, but be as early as possible.


5-     What would you like?

If you were a customer, how would you like to see the ad of your product or service?

Ask yourself this, and try to deliver the result based on your answers, and be honest with yourself, do not overestimate yourself, product, or service, here where every single thought, or comment can make massive change in your understanding of marketing, and remember that you can always make better choices, but make them right.

Think of your competitors, and your favorite brand, and top performing companies or brands in your demographic, gather your experiences with them, write them down, from their style of content, logo style, messages and Call to action, advertisements, and all every single element, and trim them down to the elements that fit your brand best, and do not fear testing, ask family and friends, and results will amaze you.



Marketing is not rocket science, but it is a rocket when it takes off,  it is simple the logic behind being able to represent your brand to people the way they will accept it, like it, and even support it.

You need to understand what are you marketing to people, why your product or service, who would be interested in it, figure out what is the market like, and give people value, and KEEP MEASURING your results, day by day, scale up, make some changes, until you are at our desirable place. 

Marketing professionals invest on large scale tools to make their actions more rewardable, meanwhile social media platforms and the internet generally, have provided loads of useful tools that actually made many brands more reliable, and trustworthy, and you can become one of them, just by understanding your competition, your brand, and your audience, and just give them as much value as you can.

You can always visit our website on www.thepioneermedia.com
or visit our Blog Website on www.thepioneerblog.com
